… I will only really Go Bald if I can raise RM500 or MORE.
Notice I’ve highlighted the ‘MORE‘….
If the above can’t be achieved, I’m keeping my hair for yet another year =(
But before I get a pledge card (which has a minimum collection of RM100) from those in charge, let’s see a show of hands on how many of you are willing to donate to my cause to help Children fight cancer here.
If you want to donate to my cause and see me bald, let me know how much you intend to donate by sms/email or leaving a comment below. I’ll collect the sum agreed from you when I do get the pledge card from the Go Bald committee.
Note that this event/donation drive is for the Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society (SCCS) and it is done to show support for children going for cancer treatment (in which they tend to loose their hair/go bald after chemotherapy). Details on this project here.
You should donate to this cause for the children, or if that doesn’t work for you, and you just want to see me bald, then here’s your big chance because 16th May is teacher’s day, and we normally have a formal ‘magazine photo session’ on that day (which means my bald head will be in the school archive for years to come). All you need to do is to give some $$ so that I get the RM500 or MORE for the SCCS.
Added on 5th May 2011: Due to overwhelming response (RM480 in less than 24 hours!!) – and lack of ‘things’ left to shave, let me make this other pledge:
Fahriee and I WILL hold high a LARGE MANILA CARD which says ‘BALD IS THE NEW SEXY’ & ‘GO BALD, BE SEXY!’ and walk around The Spring Mall for not less than 15 minutes passing by a full food court, the south court, the east court, Center Court, all the way to Starbucks, with our new bald head if Fahriee and I can get a combined donation of over RM4,000 for the SCCS. Anything beyond RM5k, and we would have to do a random flashmob at Starbucks, and probably would have to dance to Justin Bibier’s ‘Baby’.
We’ll even ask someone to video us… and post it up on our blogs as proof! Yep, you’re gonna see not one, but TWO Bald Men walking in the Spring holding that two BIG manila cards if you guys are generous enough…
Note that I may not go bald next year, so this maybe your one chance to see me do something this bizarre which may haunt me for life =P It’s all for a good cause…
Simply go to http://gobald.my/take-action/ and click on the “click here to donate” button. You will see the online payment form (iPay888 Virtual Link Payment Detail). Fill it up accordingly but under “Shavee”, pls type ” Cyril Dason,” and for “Product Description” pls select GO BALD. All funds will go direct to the Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society.
Once payment is made, the system will send you an official online receipt via email. Kindly forward it to me at CYRIL@SARAWAKBLOGGERS.COM so I can tabulate your donation in my sponsorship list. In appreciation, I will send you a copy / copies of my shave photos via email.
Let’s help kids fight cancer.
Thanks and God Bless you all. =)
Until then,
I’ve collected: RM 1,010
My donation drive ends on midnight 13 May 2011.
They pledged & contributed to that smiley above:
Gerald, James, Kee Man, Angeline, Carol, Ronnie, Mike, Eve, Rodz, Hitz.FM, Faith Wong, Ophelia…