Why Sarawak Bloggers?

The latest edition of Happenings in Sarawak is featuring *ehem*… me.

Now, I’m not famous, and I’m not influential.  I just believe that Sarawak Bloggers is a good way to meet some awesome people like I did.  When I was asked if I would agree to be featured with another 3 more friends, I said ‘yes’ because I saw it was a good way to make Sarawak Bloggers known to many.  It was never about me, although my face is smacked in the magazine. LOL.

Anyway, if you are interested to read about my blogging history, do read what’s below.

To read the full digital copy, check out Happenings in Sarawak.

Like I said in the article, blogging is a good way to meet awesome people, and Sarawak Bloggers would lead to that faster.

error: Sorry.

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