I’ve been slacking on this blog simply because I can. Nothing much to tell since I’m pretty busy lately at work, and work has been really hectic. Believe me, neglecting one of my oldest blog is not something I intend to do, but I have since restructured all my blogs to be more focused.
This one, aptly called Blog@CyrilDason will be my personal blog where I just share random stuff and things happening in my life.
In line with the lesser audience here (if compared to my other more specialized blogs), I’ll keep updates here frequent, but less wordy (If I can, because I tend to be very excited when updating my blogs).
Nonetheless, after a long hiatus on this blog, I come bearing good news (for myself at least).
For 2013, I was awarded “Anugerah Pegawai Cemerlang (APC)”, which translates to “Excellence Officer Award” in English.
To be really honest, it is a shocker to get the award simply because I am still considered ‘young’ in the service, and it is a known that such awards are normally reserved for those nearing retirement. I have like 29 more years to go, and that is still a very long way.
I don’t consider myself exceptional at work, but I do what I need to do, and settle task given to me without much complaint. I mean, its a job. I get paid. Once or twice doing a few extra things as per requested by my bosses ain’t really a big deal. Complaining just makes you look bad, weak and incapable of handling task, especially petty ones.
But nonetheless, I am grateful of the award as it does reflect the appreciation of my organisation towards seven years in service, and I can sincerely say that all I did wasn’t possible without the help of my colleagues. They have helped me a lot, and they too deserve a pat on their backs.
As for the small amount of cash which accompanies this award, it will do good in repairing my dear old Proton Saga which urgently needs a new timing belt, belting and absorbers. Aside from that, it is also a norm for those awarded APC to buy lunch for all 100+ staff at work.
So, if you are not from where I work, let me be frank and say that, I will not be buying you lunch the extra cash would really come in handy to do some major repairs for my daily used car. Call me selfish, I don’t care.
But that’s the little joy I have to share for the previous month. More updates coming soon!