Abusing The Internet

12Feb2009 UPDATE:
I’m just freakishly busy that I do not have time to blog hop that often. Work!! Work!! Work!! Shit. Anyway, I did stumble upon this blog today about the Taliban. If you want to know whether you’re a Taliban.. check it out. In a cynical way… its just hilarious!!

The Internet is indeed a wonderful tool.  I am virtually ‘lost’ and not mentioning bored if the internet was not around.  It’s life at the 21st century, and it does wonders for an average ‘geek’ like me.

Now, there’s a problem.  Some COWARDS are starting to misuse the internet.  It’s not new, but its getting worst, especially when it starts happening to someone close to you.

Latest victim : Amiey.  Someone posted some pretty bad comments on some political site, and used her name or rather, her online identity (click on the image below to enlarge and read).  I know Amiey well, and I know how she stands on certain issues.  To say the very least, she is literally a ‘free thinker’ whom believes that everybody is equal, and religion should be followed by choice, and not by force.  Apart from that, she has little to say, and likes to keep her very own thoughts to herself.  So, when she told me that someone was posting a comment using her online identity, I checked it out… and man, the comments was harsh.  I knew it was not her, plus…I was sending her home at the time the comment was made.

I gave her guidelines to remove the comments and deal with the matter, but surprisingly, the owner of the website was reluctant, and argued that the email used is the same as the one filled in the comment form.  Seriously, doesn’t everybody whom blogs know that you can easily type in any name and email address when you leave a comment?  Weird!

Further communication with the blog owner finally concluded when they retracted the whole comment, but not before claiming that she was rude in asking for the retraction.  The funny thing is, I thought she was rather courteous, with the “please”, “thank you” and “hope” words in her request.. but they somehow ‘terasa‘.  Don’t know-lah.. maybe different people take courteous in a different way.

Anyway, my blog has not been spared.  One of my reader’s accidentally found out that someone was tarnishing his image by posting bad comments on my post about Proton’s poor service.  He later reported it to the Police, and asked me to retain the original post in my blog for evidence.

A few bloggers I know have also started to take action over their blogs, especially when dealing with these cowardly comments.  Some have resolved to removing their chat boxes, and some have introduced registered comments.

Its actually getting very bad, and there is practically nothing one can do.  The best is to report to the police by recording in their IP address.  But you know la, Malaysian police.  What can they do?

For me, those posing as other people, and using other people’s identity to post harsh comments are COWARDS and IDIOTS.  They do not want others to know their identity because they fear and of the consequences.  They are not willing to stand up to their own opinions, and would like others to take the blame for what they think.  Obviously, they have a personality disorder.  They should go and see a psychiatrist.

As for using other people’s identity, ahh.. you guys are just trying to run someone down.  What goes around, comes around… and I believe that these people are the real bullies in the net, and should be brought to court.  They are bored of their very own lives, and want to live others.  They are also un-educated because what they do is nothing short of wrong.  In fact, I do have a good feeling that they have this attitude of not wanting anyone to be ‘more‘ than them, hence, maybe the ultimate reason why he/she is still left behind, while others have progressed.  You’re such a HUGE LOSER, and I won’t be surprised you think you are so great, when in fact, you are just nothing and no one.  That’s why, I think people steal other people’s identity.  They are just FOOLISH LOSERS

Uhh.. I already feel like I want to puke talking about these type of people.  Anyway, just to make it crystal clear to all you guys… I RESPECT EVERY RELIGION, RACE & PERSON.  I will never echo displeasure over any other religion or race.   I think every race and religion is good, and it’s just people themselves trying to tarnish other people’s religion and race. Or better still, its human’s themselves giving others a bad impression on their respective religion/race.

Hence, if you find any comments using my name/nickname which are going against my statement here, do inform me.  You can read my full disclaimer here.

–Cyril Dason believes in peace and harmony, and respect over each other.–

error: Sorry.

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