Celebrating the birth of Christ

It’s that time of year again.  Christmas.  Most Christians would be busy preparing for it, one way or the other. For my family, it would be simple.  Its ‘huge family’ dinner time, or rather family gatherings all the way.  No open houses, or nothing complicated.  Trust me, driving up and down Serian-Kuching-Bau is really tiring this time of the year, but yeah.. its a family thing. After all, its once a year.

So, I’d like to take the opportunity to wish all of you a very merry and blessed Christmas.  Count your blessings, and think of whether you’ve been bad or nice.  It’s the season to be merry, and the season of receiving and giving.  Roll your wish list, and stuff it in your Christmas sock.  Who knows, Santa might drop you something you’vr been dreaming off.  I know what I want for this Christmas… but I don’t see it happening 😛

Merry Christmas to all of you especially all my blogging friends below.

**Christmas is a celebration to mark the birth of Jesus Christ, but with Malaysia, and most particularly Sarawak being so multicultural, it is a celebration celebrated by all regardless of race and religions, so Merry Christmas to all.

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