Discussing Without Power

The government has been mulling about setting up an inter-faith committee since Pah Lah’s days.  The idea I believe was to create better understanding among religious authorities, and hence help guide Malaysians as a whole to exercise their beliefs under the Malaysian Federal Constitution Article 11.  While I do not want to discuss deeper about Article 11(4), I feel that such a committee was intended in good faith, and the need for such a committee is very much important in Malaysia, which is a multi-religious country.

My humble opinion is that all religion is equal, which for me means that you can’t be a Christian, and think you are better than a Buddhist.  No religion is above another, despite history proving that some religion exist earlier than others.

But then again, it’s sad to actually see some people or certain people trying to always champion others, even when it comes to the more sacred things in life, such as religion.  These people make use of religion for political gains, and some go to the extend of making fun of other religion.  The setting up of an inter-faith committee to discuss ‘clashes’ of opinion, especially when a particular religion has a special place in the Malaysian law is very much welcomed because I feel that a consensus can be made by people with high religious authority and knowledge for the gain of the nation as a whole.

Nevertheless, such a committee is a total waste of tax payers money if all they do is sit down and talk only, and do not have any power to actually implement what they have discussed together.  More importantly, Malaysia might not see religious tolerance in the future if everyone thinks that their own religion is better and higher than the others.  My point is, there is no use making a discussion if those in power do not intend to listen to the problems brought up at the grass roots.

When this happens, we should all refer back to the Malaysian Constitution which is regarded as the utmost reference when a dispute erupts.  But, before you go on to flip the inside page, check out the photo below:

Maybe that explains why Malaysian politicians fight over practically anything in the Parliament.  At RM10 per book, I guess there’s so much yet to be covered.

I’m fed-up with Malaysian politics.  I don’t need talking champions, I need actions.

error: Sorry.

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