DSLR an Advantage?

At the moment,  so much is going on…  been moving up and down town like crazy, spending money I don’t really have to spend… but I guess, that’s the effect of holidays.  You spend.. spend.. and spend.. plus, it’s almost Christmas, and so you have sales here and there, and also lots and lots of new movies.  Ahh… the temptation is there.

Urgh.. well, let me get to the real reason of this post.

If you have been following me on my Facebook and my Twitter.. you’d know by now that I am seriously eyeing a DSLR.  Nahhh.. don’t be quick to say that I am an expert in photography as the reason I intend to get one, because the fact is I know little about photography.  I point, adjust and shoot.  Simple as that!  If there’s a setting for a certain scenery, I’d use it.  Thank You Canon!

The reason behind the idea of getting a DSLR is simply business, and yes… interest of course.  Because, everytime I look at photographs produced by Willie, Fahriee (Dude.. you gotta get a new blog), SethNorman, and Carol… I have ‘this feeling’ that I should have one.  Maybe it’s peer pressure, but knowing that they actually earn some extra money through a simple click of a button does sound really nice.  The way I see it, earning something from interest is really worth every penny.

The thing is, I am wondering whether it is really worth it?  I’ve been jumbling this question over and over again in my head ’till I myself can claim insane over asking the same question.  I mean, if I am getting a DSLR, can I actually get back the money spent on buying the DSLR?  In addition to that, would my shots really become much-much more extra-ordinary once I do use a DSLR? Because some people do produce ‘ordinary’ shots despite using a DSLR camera, and I think many will agree on this.

Well, the truth is, I know little about actually improving a photo, as I rely solely on the camera settings and also my shooting angle.  I do not add any other ‘special effects’ except my watermark.  You can see my collection of photographs on my Flickr Photostream, and if you have a Facebook account, it is in my Digital Capture Album.  Nonetheless, I have almost no photos of moving objects because that is the limitation my current digital camera has.  In addition to that, I can’t take ‘candid’ shots because my Canon IXY 25IS zoom/lenses can’t reach ‘that far’, hence making those I want to ‘candid’ realize I am taking their photos.  These two missing features are one of the two reasons why I feel I need a DSLR.

I know there are so many talented people having a DSLR out there that I do have a feeling that the ‘market’ is kind of saturated for me to do business, but well… that’s why I’m asking you guys the same question “Is it worth it for me to get a DSLR?

Please be honest… and truthful, because the way I see it, if you do think my shots are crap and ordinary, and that I do not have the talent… then let me know, so that I’d back down on getting an expensive DSLR.. and that will save me thousands of ringgit.  I don’t mind if you’d be cruel and all, by saying my shot’s are just bullshit and so ordinary, that I should consider stopping my photography works… but like everything i one can say and do.. don’t push it =) Try to be a little nice, okay?

But if you think I can expand my skills, and I have a talent in capturing images/photos, and probably be able to squeeze some money out of the whole photography thing, then why not give me some words of encouragement for me to get a DSLR.  And if you are an expert in photography, give me some points and also a camera I should get, plus maybe a good place in Kuching for me to get the DSLR.

So, what do you guys have to say?  I’m looking forward to your opinions, especially from the pro photographers. And by the way, photo’s in this post, are examples of my shots.  If you are lazy to visit my Digital-Capture album, and my Flickr Photostream, then I guess you could judge my talent in photography by just looking at these few photos I have placed in this post.  If you are hardworking enough, you could go on an judge my shots at the accounts I have mentioned above.

p/s: If you are wondering why Amiey is also writing something similar. Well, it’s just the current hot topic among us both =)

error: Sorry.

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