Grand Margherita’s ‘Pasar Ramadan’

After almost 10 years going to the Pasar Ramadan, I think this year… I am going to give it a skip.  I’m overall very disappointed with the Pasar Ramadan in Kuching, or in Matang Jaya in particular.  The items are not only expensive, but at some point, you could question the cleanliness.  I even had stomach ache at some bad days.  Parking is a usual nightmare in any part of the country during this time, so I can’t complain about that.

So, if you have decided to skip the usual pasar Ramadan like I did, but still want to enjoy the whole atmosphere in a cleaner, more organized manner, including the surety of being able to enjoy the food without worries of getting a stomach ache, plus of course the joy of better parking, then you should head on to Grand Margherita Hotel, Kuching.

I was given the chance to taste what they had in their ‘The Original Macam-Macam Ada Buffet Dinner‘, and  frankly, if I had RM79 daily, I’d be there till Hari Raya!

The selection of food varies that it could easily beat any Pasar Ramadan out there.  Imagine, 188 flavorful dishes coming from practically worldwide!  You can choose to eat food from Japan, India, Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and even those delicious Western cuisine.  To make it more ‘eastern’, Grand Margherita decided to bring in special chefs from Penang to help prepare you Char Kueh Tiah, Laksa Penang and Hokkien Prawn Mee. Of course, there were also popular Malaysian dishes.  After all, Grand Margherita does claim that they have the 1Malaysia favorite dishes made available.  I had sambal petai and fried terubok masin. Need I say more about the menu?

Coming with me to this buffet was Norman Goh, a strict vegetarian.  Being a strict vegetarian, I seldom see him eating a lot because it’s difficult to find places which serve proper vegetarian food.  However, during this buffet, Norman I believe ate 3 plates of food, or was it 4?  He was all over the Changkok Manis Masak Lemak and the Herbal Egg.  He kept saying it was so nice, that I ended trying some myself despite being not a huge fan of Changkok Manis, and man was he right. It was delicious!

The whole buffet was still on going when I left at 8pm, but I enjoyed watching the dimming of the sun over the Sarawak River with a cup of ice cream, a piece of Kuih Nyonya, a slice of Kek Lapis Sarawak and a bowl of Sago Gula Melaka.

Right now, my tummy is still bulging thanks to Grand Margherita Hotel’s Macam – Macam Ada Buffet Dinner and if  I want to experience such a dinner yet again, I have got till 9th September 2010 to make a booking by calling 082-423111 (ext 1109).  Ermm.. if you want to experience the buffet dinner yourself, I’d really hope you plan to make reservations because from what I saw, it’s a total sell out! You won’t want to end up being disappointed on a hungry tummy.

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