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I just joined Patreon because I’m adventurous

Hey there.

As the title saya above, I’ve joined Patreon, a service which allows me to set up a subscriber based service for those of you following me.


Patreon is a service which allows content creators like myself, to set up an account in which I can share my content to subscribers which are keen to follow my content.

Subscription can go as low as $1, and is charged based on article or on a monthly basis.

Patreon payment system
Payment percentage for Patreon.

The idea is to get content creators paid faily for their hard work and effort. Previously, content creators used third party companies to get paid by impressions, but the truth is, these companies pay peanuts for the hard work.

Patreon on the other hand takes 1% of every subscriber you gain (called patron), and the rest is yours, which is a much sweeter deal by miles.


It’s really simple. Simply join Patreon by signing up for their official website here for free.

When you are done, fill in the details on what you intend to do, and then let your friends or fans follow or subsribe to you for exclusive content.

Patreon main categories
Categories available for Patreons, or content creators

Like I said before, Patreon works best for content creators, so if you aren’t exactly making content, you may not benefit from this service.


If you go to my Patreon site, there’s a whole explanation about why I decided to join Patreon.

However, since I know some of you may not want to go there, I’ll briefly explain here.

You see, I really don’t see myself as being a popular content creator because let’s face it, I’m not funny, I don’t write as well as many, and I don’t have time to be very creative.

However, somewhere in between all that, I believe some people do want to know what I have to say on certain things, and I need a platform where SEO doesn’t play a huge role in what I decide to write about.

In other words, Patreon gives me more freedom to express myself on topics I’ve never wrote about before, be it politics and things I experience. May I also add that what appears on my Patreon is exclusive for that site only.


Actually lah kan, you need to be really really popular to start earning with Patreon through subscriber-ship, and I am not exactly that. In fact, even top content makers with plenty of followers are still struggling to gain subscribers.

So, I know, if I don’t get any patrons, it would look bad because it’s like I’ve wasted all my effort to get nothing in return.

However, I’ve always been adventurous specifically when it’s involving online stuff, and Patreon is just one of the many things I don’t mind trying.

My patreon page.
My patreon page.

So, if no one actually reads what I wrote, I guess it will just be left there as a place where I shared my views to myself, being my very own journal.

Else, if it really succeeds, it would be my succeeds story to tell the world. Either way, there’s no harm in trying, especially with my very first topic being “Why do we need an LRT“.. see where I am going with the post on Patreon?


I can’t force you to subsribe to my Patreon account because I know that seeking payment, be it $1, is a lot for many.

However, if you do think it’s worth to hear what I’ve to say about stuff that’s happening around, sapport-lah

Else, if you are a content creator yourself, like you have a following, then do join Patreon. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain bah.

Jom Patreon!

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