I Play Better Than Sergio Ramos

The song I Can Wait Forever by Simple Plan is the song I love listening to at the moment.

I started playing football again. Yesss….. after weeks playing nothing but virtual football, and at the most looking at 22 men running up and down the football pitches on TV.. I finally saw myself in action.

It was a great feeling to finally get to kick and run on a wet muddy field with colleagues and students. Yeah.. I could feel the glory. I could feel the triumph… yessss… it was real. I was back playing. For someone really into football, I knew this was the day I could show off somethings..

With Martin doing the selection of players.. I just knew that I would be in the 1st eleven. Hell yeah!! Its impossible for me not to be in it. Its just like that Digi promotion ad where you get to pick your 11 best friends to be in your ‘friends and family’.. and I know.. I was in it.

Playing rather ‘kampung style’ you just couldn’t expect a lot from the match with the lines man and referee being students, and of course using their shirts as the outfield flags.

Nonetheless, the game started off promisingly, with both sides playing well. I opted to play defence, as I didn’t want my normal position which is the goalkeeper. I ran here and there.. tried to clear the ball as much as I can.. I even got a hand in one of the goals of the game!! I think, if I were to compare myself with Sergio Ramos of Spain, I’d be better.. much much more better….

but… reality struck after 30 minutes into the game… I limp out with a huge pain on my back, neck and stomach… and asked one of the students to come in to replace me.. My ego was bruised as I was the first to ask for a replacement, but why should I wait till I faint on the pitch?? That would be more embarrassing.

Yeah.. the fact is.. I sucked!! Its not that I am bad at football, but I suck big time at football. You could put the term “kaki bangku” to rest when I am in the picth, because you could eventually say that I am worst than a chair. A chair has 4 legs, and if you pile them up in front of a goal post, could eventually avoid a goal. Me?? Pile 10 of my clones infront of goal.. and you’ll see another 10 goal coming in…

… and that one goal I said I had a hand in?? Well… I helped the opposition score..hahahhaha.. Felt dumbfounded after that.. but like I always say… I play to exercise, and not to win… so I’m actually not bothered if I played badly. Its the fun that counts.. and I hope that Germany wins against Spain this coming Monday because I’m putting my money on them! Hail the Germans!!

*the photo’s were taken during a friendly match with Desmond‘s team last year. Just felt that a post like this should have some graphics.

error: Sorry.

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