I’m A Form Teacher

NOTE: A lot has been said on the Allah issue, but not many people know why the Catholic Church as in The Herald wants to use ‘Allah’ in their BM edition.  Read this brilliant article by K. Anand about the truth behind it all.

Holy Crap! Yup, I’d really like to say that first because it isn’t easy this year.  Signs were there last year, and it somehow materialized this year.

I’m talking about my job.  I have 27 teaching period, and I am made a form teacher.  Okay, form teacher part I hugely expected, but not the 27 teaching period isn’t something I’d drool over cause last year, I had a wonderful 22 teaching period.  Yep, 22 is ideal for me.  Anything below 22 is acceptable because I’d have time to relax and get my extra work, but I’d not want my teaching period to be below 15, as that would make work utterly boring.  And by the way, I am teaching yet another new subject this year: Science Form 1 and Form 4.  Another new preparation for me.  Been doing it ever since I came into this field.  I’m the MPV teacher, so that I think also means Multi-Purpose and Vocational Teacher. The meaning ‘Matapelajaran Vokasional‘ for MPV I guess is long gone.

So far the first 2 weeks of school do seem to be getting well.  My own class seems to be behaving themselves, and that is a good thing.  I’m still waiting to see how everything will move on from here, because we all know how the first month will be kind of ‘angelic’.  Ya-lah, the start of a new school term, so you’d expect everyone to keep their ‘usual’ acts at bay for the time being.

Frankly speaking, this two weeks hasn’t been easy on my body.  I can say I’m drained.  I feel weak, despite my smile.  The first week was the worst with meetings happening day by day.  Although it’s usual to have lots of meetings during the early part of the school term, but meetings lasting a good 2-3 hours drains ones energy quickly.  After all, I have to wake up early daily, and only leave for home after almost 12 hours in at work.  The academic meeting itself took over 3 hours, ending at 450pm from 145pm, with no food, and no warning of no food.  The extra-curricular meeting was also as painful, finishing at 510pm from 225pm… Next week, there is this thing we call ‘Staff Development session’ on Monday. It starts at 140pm, and judging from past sessions last year, I’m guessing it would last a good 2 hours, at least.

Anyway, back to the form teacher ‘thingy’.  I made a promise to my own class that if they behaved for a whole week, I’d give them all 5 merit each, and that will go on till school term ends.  That’s practically 20 merit points a month.  But shall they do some mischief, I’ll be not hesitant to take action and slap them with Demerit points to the max available.  I think, such method is fair considering I feel that you should also give good behavior encouragement.  I’m still thinking of other ways to handle my own class as I try not to be too soft on them, and also too hard on them.  As for the Form 1, what can I say?… bagi muka garang ja lah. Hehehehehe….

Oh ya, my school received a new Chief Clerk last week.  She’s transferred from a nearby school.  My first encounter with her proved that she is knowledgeable, and she is very strict when it comes to expenditure and archiving records.  That’s good, because I always looked up upon those people whom know how to budget and control their money flow.  I can’t.  I’ve got too many desires. 😀

I think that’s all for now, I want do some blog hopping. Haven’t been able to do so in a so long. CherioOOoo!!

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