The Street Photography by Sarawak Bloggers was a week ago, and I am only posting about it now. Been busy with work. Some how, before a holiday starts, my work tends to pile up. I also re-designed my blog to feature a new nice, clean template, and I hope it does load fast and nice.
Well, the whole event went well despite the rather ‘moody weather’. Robin, a good friend working in KL was kind enough to share tips on how to get the best from Street Photography, although I found it very much challenging to follow his brilliant advice due to myself only using a point and shoot digital camera. I know, I have been saying over and over again that I’d like to get myself a DSLR, but economically, it’s out of my budget at the moment.
Well, less talk, and more photos to show you and so, here you go…. (feel free to click the photos to enlarged them)
As usual, I suck at tempering at the photos and making them strike out beautifully, so what you have seen above is basically what I got out of my Canon IXY 25IS. Also, most of the shots I did manage to take, turned out blur, hence not worthy of being featured here.
The verdict of the day for me was that a point and shoot camera enables you to take candid shots at very expressive angles, but bad lighting will very much spoil the final outcome 🙁 I really need a DSLR…