Pre-Bloggers@RWMF’09 & Other Crap


Seems that I have little time to update this blog lately, or… if you noticed, this blog has turned into a subsidiary of the Rain-fest, which sees so many entries on the RWMF and the blogger gathering I am organizing which I call the bloggers@RWMF’09.  Anyway, I’ve been struggling with work and other crap, so I am pretty busy these days.

I think, I shall not write that much on what has happened these few days coz, well… Amiey has got it covered.  You can read most of it here.

Anyway, last Wednesday, STB invited me to go to the preview of the RWMF at the Kuching Amphitheater.  My contact person in STB said she has made some arrangements for us bloggers to meet the top management in STB, but yeah… we came, and the meeting with STB’s big shots was later canceled.  Bummer!!  But like Norman (I think) said… “We are just the rakyat“… which is so darn true.

A Sabahan group of performers. Not sure what's their name.

My verdict on the preview of the RWMF? Hmm.. Well, it was boring at first, but as more bands came up… I felt the worth-ness (any such word?) of the RWMF. In fact, I felt goose-bumps when the Red Chamber (a group playing ancient Chinese instruments) played their version of the Orang Ulu’s infamous Sapeh tunes using traditional Chinese musical instruments! I was not alone, Fahriee and Norman felt goose-bumps as well. One word… STUNNING!!

Red Chamber

Today, I met up with Keeman, in regard to activities for the bloggers@RWMF’09. I briefed him on what’s going on, and we planned accordingly. We also planned a surprise for attending blogger…hehehhe.. Keeman, Shhhhh!!!

Also went shopping for stuff needed for the RWMF. Bought a mat, insect repellent, and new shades..hehhe.. I left my shades in dad’s car, so I needed new ones to look uber cool when I head on to the RWMF.  I swear, the RWMF is getting more expensive than I’ve expected.  To date, I’ve spent over RM400 inclusive of tickets.  Tomorrow, will be getting some flu shots as precautions for the H1N1 virus.  Don’t know how effective these shots are, but better to be safe, right?


Emm.. really out of ideas.  I’m too damn tired to think.  If I have time, I’ll update you guys before I go to the RWMF.  If not, well… it would be after. Either way, I am soooOOooooo looking forward to the RWMF and the bloggers@RWMF’09. By the way, hope you guys enjoyed the photo’s from the preview of the RWMF @ Kuching Amphiteater last Wednesday.

error: Sorry.

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