Romantic February

I know.. I’m guilty of lack of updates for the past week or so. Wasn’t really busy, but nothing interesting happened during this week.  The rain has returned, as if with a huge vengeance, as I stayed indoors, at my parent’s house, which has limited broadband, and I didn’t have much appetite to blog with my multi-purpose laptop.

January indeed has been a little too much sentimental, with so many unwanted things happening around.  I’m hoping that February would turn out smoothly for all of us, as Valentine’s day is just around the corner, and the year progressed into its second month.  Ouuhhhh.. its already February, wasn’t new year like, just yesterday?? Time flies…

Talking about Valentine’s day.. emm…. I have plans.. but let’s just see if it would materialize.  All I can say it’s nothing grand, and it would be within my means.  Other than that… I forecast a busy February amidst the romantic atmosphere, and I’ll be updating you all on my experience driving my 1st very own car on the road for a year.  Also would be updating you guys on what I did during the eve and the whole Chinese New Year.

Apart from that, there is nothing much to say for now… and so I’ll wish you a very hopeful romantic February for now.

error: Sorry.

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