The one thing I love about blogging and being in the Sarawak Bloggers (And I still can’t believe I am still saying it), is the fact that I get to build my network, extend my friend list, and get myself well exposed. Sounds simple, but it’s an elaborated journey of my life, and I guess at the moment among the most exciting part of my life.
A few months ago, it was the #iheartborneo crew lead by Hakim, and this week it’s the group by Bernard. These people, despite coming form the Peninsular seem keen to help bring Sarawak to greater heights, and along the way introduce new ways to help those in need in anyway possible. They see the potential, and they believe Sarawak is the future of Malaysia.
Regardless of their noble intentions, one thing people like them usually get is the hostile feeling we Sarawakians (probably Sabahans too) give when they come over to our shores, and we say (mostly in our hearts) : “Semenanjung people… ughhhh…” Oh yes, I know, you know, we know that they will of course gain something, but regardless, if they can help the right way, and they do not intend to rule us, while at the time they intend to help us make ourselves better, why stop them?
If we flew over to the ‘other side’ of Malaysia, we feel it’s different. Generally, ‘over there’, the Malays, Chinese and Indians do not seem to get along that well, and when it comes to the indigenous groups from Sarawak (which combined population would make up the majority in both states), they are treated even worst with all three races looking down us, and some trying to instill their religion and ways on us. As for the Chinese, Indians and Malays from Sarawak, they would be pulled or rather influenced slowly into the ‘Semenanjung clans’, although some do resist and remain with the Sarawakians & Sabahans camps and hence forming splinter groups in colleges/universities/localities which is called ‘Borneo’. These groups would normally make up of not less than 6 different ethnics, and each would be well respected regardless of their beliefs and background. I’m speaking of my own experience here too, but I believe it’s this treatment which makes us feel disgusted when we talk about Malaysians from the peninsular states.
They can’t blame us, and we can’t blame them because things need to change if this perception wants to be changed. I am not talking about immigration rules, but rather how we treat each other.
I’m sure if Sarawakians were treated better in the peninsular, the feeling of resentment will soon slowly change. In fact, if they viewed us in better light, it would help so much.
So where do we start? Well, I think it should start from the top. Stop saying Sarawak are ‘fixed deposits’ and stop saying Sarawak is backwards. It’s degrading and untrue because Sabah & Sarawak are both more advance than other states in the Peninsular, and you never know when any one of these states can change and vote for the others.
As for those coming to our shores to make positive changes, we always welcome you… but if you have motives, particularly to rule… get your ass out of here fast. Sarawakians are known for being a hostile bunch. =P
Hey, I’m just saying….