Sex Education In School: Yes, No, Maybe?

Ministers and the those concern are playing around with this issue. Some papers have said teachers are not willing to teach such a subject as they worry of being sued, but I believe that this is something minor, and sex education should get the green light from both the parents and the ministry. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty. It’s nothing kinky, it’s just education.

Well, ultimately, I am in agreement about introducing Sex Education in formal classes. Maybe the students do not have to have an examination on it, but it is important to spread knowledge to these youngster. As adults, we all know how porn, sex materials and how easy these things are made available to children which are underage. We are also made aware about the increasing number of baby dumping, the increasing number of self recorded porn, and the huge decrease in morality among the younger generation. Also, there is a huge decrease in boy-girl respect with a huge amount of ‘touching’ without care regardless of gender in all areas, and need I say more about chivalry?

That’s why, I believe that there is a huge need for sex education. As I teach Science and previously Biology, this topic would normally be the medium for students to ask about sex oriented stuff, and me being me, would answer them in full detail, and why they need to understand such a thing. In fact, when I explained how abortion was done, most of them (including boys) looked freaked out, despite a few trying hard to show their poker face. And honestly, I believe parents would be surprised of what sort of questions are asked. I think, to date the top question would be “Can swallowing semen cause me to get pregnant”. I know, some of you are rolling your eyes in disbelief right now. 😛

My point is that we can’t hide sex education from our young ones forever. Our kids are growing. The internet is a huge source of information, and sex related materials are found easily. Children are getting more daring, as parents spend less time with their children, hence leaving the responsibility of educating their children to their maids, grandparents and even worst the teachers. With the fact that some parents are not ready to talk about sex related topics with their children, it would only be natural for the child themselves to do their very ‘own experiment’ without knowing the consequences.

I think, if you can’t stop them, at the very least, give them knowledge on it, so that they will know the consequences and probably avoid unwanted pregnancies. What say you? YES, NO, MAYBE?

Note: Photos are taken from numerous sources over the internet, and only included for illustration.
error: Sorry.

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