Sponsored video: What else can follow you home?

There are times in life that you wished you could take the important things in life home, or even better, anywhere you go.

For Rugby fans and lovers, that just seems more possible now because Rugby Pass Asia has landed and it allows you to get updates on your favourite game in the full glory of High Definition (HD)!

It’s not only that, you get to enjoy the game, stats and more, on numerous devices such as your PC, phone and TV, so it’s really awesome. To make it even more extensive, you have extensive coverage of the game all round the clock! To be honest, I wished we had such thing for the Malaysian football scene because whenever I’m away, it’s really difficult to get updates on the game, what more to watch it in HD.

But then, while I’d love to have the game available when I want it, it is really not to the extend of what you see in the commercial below which I think is really an exaggeration of what I’d expect, or what Rugby Pass Asia has in mind.

Because really guys, coming into your car to find a huge rugby player in the back seat isn’t really what I meant by ‘everywhere’. Irregardless however, it is my believe that Rugby Pass Asia was trying to portray how close you get to the action when they are providing you coverage on the sport, so this was indeed a smart commercial by Rugby Pass Asia.

The ending of the commercial also gives anyone watching it some room to speculate of what is happening in the car, but I’d be honest that I am thinking it involves rugby.

But well, if the coverage is that intense, again, I wished we had such thing for Malaysian football.

*This post has been sponsored by Rugby Pass Asia

error: Sorry.

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