The end of CDASON.COM

Mount Serapi

If you are observant enough, you’d realize that my archives have been scaled down to a near one year plus only, dating from May 2008.  Previously, it was since September 2007, and that is not counting my blogspot account which dates since July 2007.

I am doing massive clean-ups on my online accounts, and I might see certain un-used accounts being deleted, or erased.  Starting off would be my very first domain, CDASON.COM.  This domain has served me very well since I got it from Irene, and I choose the name CDASON to shorten my name Cyril Dason.  The main reason of me shortening ‘Cyril’ to only the letter ‘C’ was because people used to mispronounce the name, saying it in so many versions which led to the Chinese version which would sound like ‘See Lil’, the Malay version ‘Khairil’, my kampung version ‘C-Rel’ and so many other versions.  ‘Dason’ was retained because I saw it as a symbol of the Dayak community, although, I can’t prove that it is a Dayak name.  Regardless of what anyone may say, the name does is in not any way mean anything else, but my very own name.

This year, someone said CDASON was CD-A-SON…  By then I was already toying with the idea to change my domain name to as CDASON.COM had very low page ranks (Due to the huge amount of paid post).  I had been toying with the idea for several months as my main headache was that CDASON.COM had a good following, and was somewhat established in the internet.  Several post were important, especially those about the new SAGA BLM, The Spring and Boulevard  Mall which was a hit among search results.

Kuching Civic Centre & Amphiteatre 083

Then, wordpress introduced a service which allows older post to be transferred or saved to a new domain.  With this, I registered my new domain, and moved all my older post to CYRILDASON.COM, expecting that the huge amount of traffic generated to CDASON.COM would end up in my new domain.  Sadly, after almost a year, these post/entries failed to capture readers at the new link/domain with most search engines still showing the old domains’ permalinks.  I tried to re-direct all traffic from my old domain to my new domain, but results were similar, with stats showing a huge number of broken links.  All my efforts wasn’t working to re-direct my readers, or accidental readers which came from search engines.

Padang Merdeka & Merdeka Palace

I realized, that the only way I could get back the traffic was to edit all of the post permalinks, popularize it again, and well, try to keep it well alive in cyberspace.  But, I decided not to go through all those fuss as I soon found out that my previous post are kind of ‘outdated’ and it would take me weeks, if not months to re-link, and re-edit the post/entries which contains other permalinks.  In other words, I was LAZY.

St Joseph, Kuching from a different angle

So, I decided to delete all my post/entries dating from July 2007 to April 2008.  Every single post, and comment was deleted without a back-up.  My old domain, CDASON.COM will also cease to exist starting 1st Sept 2009, and I will only use this blog as my main blog till… I don’t know when.

Truthfully, it is kind of sad to loose about 300 post, and over 1200 comments… but my previous post on CDASON.COM is too hard to ‘repair’, and so… it has to go.  With that said, goodbye to my first domain, CDASON.COM.

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