The New Sarawak Tribune

The dead has been resurrected, or so the paper which everyone in Sarawak thought was dead is now back, and it’s none other than the Sarawak Tribune or popularly known as ‘Tribune’ among locals.  Well known among the locals of being very much ‘pro-government’, the Sarawak Tribune is now re-branded as ‘The New Sarawak Tribune’ or in short NST.  Sounds familiar huh? but lets not get overly confused with the ‘other’ newspaper, this is local, ‘that other’ one isn’t.  Like we used to say during high school, “support our locals”.

Anyway, the Tribune has decided to blend ‘old’ and ‘new’ in its new publication. The ‘old’ part will be the look of the paper, which looks exactly or not much different from the older version.  As a matter of fact, the name font for the NST is retained as it previously was, and the spread of the paper remains traditional.  Although I’d prefer the tabloid style, but I believe the older generation most particularly would love having it traditional.

On the new additions, I was told that Tribune will be looking at featuring more local content, including making it more ‘hip’ and according to the taste of the new age readers. The paper also intends to move away from the ‘pro-government’ label, and provide a balance report on happenings in Sarawak.  They will also be introducing more vibrant things, while working on enhancing the old.  From my personal point of view, I believe that this is not something impossible as Tribune has now re-organized itself, and boast of a very young and credible staff.  They also have a website now, and it’s here.  Let’s hope the site stays alive this time.

Well, I was invited to attend the launching of the New Sarawak Tribune by The Tribune Press, and I was really stunned to see how jolly Pehin Sri Haji Taib Mahmud was despite the loss of Sibu to DAP.  I’m not sure how many may perceive him, but during this launch, he was constantly joking with his fellow state cabinet and the attending press.  Nonetheless, he did stress that there is a need for the press to report the truth, and avoid news which will split the community, most notably Sarawakians which is very much diverse.  The premier also warned Sarawakians about taking news without first knowing its truth, most particularly news from blogs.  To this, I just smiled 😛

Well, I do agree with him on that point because Sarawak shouldn’t be divided in any way.  Sarawak is as big as the Peninsular Malaysia, and I am sure there is room for all of us. Stop the nonsense, and lets progress together. Anyway, should you buy the New Sarawak Tribune?  Well, why not give it a try… You never know what they have in store.  Their first edition will be released tomorrow (20.05.2010), and as I was also told by Mr Ding Liang Wong, the paper quality used in printing will improve.  More photos on this available on SHiOK.

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