To Arthur!

The photo below shows me with an old friend. His name is Arthur.

Arthur (left)..

Every year since 2009, we have this day called Arthur’s Day, or as some may put it; arTHURSDAY. My friend Arthur took the liberty of celebrating Arthur’s Day like he’s celebrating his day, by going to a bar/lounge which celebrated this occasion. While Arthur’s Day is actually celebrated to mark Arthur Guinness, the founder of Guinness brewery business, and also the producer of the famous Guinness Stout, Arthur my friend was never bothered about that hstorical fact. He takes it as a ‘shared’ celebration.

This time around, we bumped into each other unexpectedly at Rajang Lobby Lounge. Shocked, he asked me if I frequented the place. I said ‘sometimes’ =P

Anyway, this years Arthur’s Day marks 252 years of the founding of Guinness brewery, and this significant event is marked with a huge toast by lifting up your Stout glass while cheering “To Arthur!!”.

As a matter of fact, the Rajang Lobby Lounge is the only official hotel based lounge in Kuching which celebrates the Arthur’s Day celebration, and with that fact well in tact, you get exclusive merchandise with every purchase of either 4 glass of Guinness Draught or 1 bucket of Guinness Stout Pint. Thursdays are even more special as the same purchase will also entitle you to a limited edition Guinness T-Shirt!

To Arthur!!

So, if you are very interested to cheer for dear old Arthur, why not head on to the official hotel based lounge in Kuching for this historical day, and give Arthur a huge ‘TO ARRRTHHUUURRRR!!!’ cheer.

To Arthur!!

If you ain’t cheering for Arthur, why not just come by to hang out with friends while enjoying the live performance at the lounge.

Kingsley and I did.. and it felt awesome! Likewise, Toooo Arthurrrrr!!!

For details, contact Grand Margherita Hotel at 082-423111 ext 1116.

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