Warisan Merdeka: Do We Need Another Skyscraper?

I love buildings, constructions and sky scrappers. I’ve always loved stuff related to construction and that’s why I keep close tabs on new buildings in Kuching, and I tend to get excited when I know something massive and big is being built.

In the just concluded budget 2011, I am sure every tax paying Malaysian knows that our country is planning to build a 100 storey mega tower named ‘Warisan Merdeka’ costing us RM5billion. It seems that the Twin Towers built by Petronas isn’t enough to mark Malaysia on the world map anymore, and so the need of a new tower to propel us towards the goal of becoming a high-income nation.

Truth to be told, I am excited to see the design, and so I Googled it and found the design above and below. While the opposition parties continue to claim that the twin towers was built by Tun Mahathir to show his love to his wife as it portrays the letter ‘H’, I doubt this new Malaysian icon will be built in an ‘R’ shape.

Nonetheless, the question goes on among most Malaysians on the need to spend RM5billion on a new tower despite the fact that office space in KL is over supplied and Malaysia is already well recognized by the twin towers.

Our leaders argue that the construction of this tower will create a chain reaction of economical spin-offs, but the main question remains on whether we really need this new tower.

Personally, RM5billion could build not less than 50 new well equip schools, it could make highways and proper roads into countless unconnected villages in Sarawak, it could improve security in major urban areas, it could help supply clean water to villages, and most importantly provide Kuching with the much needed second General Hospital.

So, do we need another skyscrapper? I don’t really think so, but I am sure the government has more than ‘provide jobs’ in mind when they decided to approve such an expensive and iconic building.

error: Sorry.

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