Daddy’s 51st

This is a special post.  It’s about my dad.  The man, whom has been in my life since I was born, and the man whom has always done so much for me, that I have lost count even before I knew how to count.

Dad, whom I regard as an English specialist has been very critical on my writing when I was a student, and this resulted the action of hiding my essays from him when I transferred to a semi-boarding school in Kuching about 10 years back.  It’s not that I didn’t want him to read what I wrote, but I wasn’t too fond of the ‘free essay writing’ tuition I’d get at home either.  (I know, I was ungrateful then.) So, as long as my English grades were okay, and I kept my result above average, I could skip the ‘free tuition class’ for quite sometime.

Well, until when I was in Form 5, when I accidentally brought back my English essay home during the holidays.  Unexpectedly, my dad picked up the essay and started reading… as he turned to me and said in his ‘stern’ voice, “Is this your essay?”  Nervous, I said “Yes“.. as I was already expecting corrections about my grammar, my use of vocabulary and so much more from him.

But then, out popped the word “This is good writing.  I didn’t know you could write like this.“, while he placed the essay back on it’s original place and started to move away, smiling.  I was stunned, but eventually smiled too because I knew that instant that I had made my dad happy, and that was a huge achievement, by any standards.

Well, Dad’s turning 51 in tomorrow, and I think I’d like to say: “Although you are most probably not reading this… I’d like the whole world to know that you are the best dad that a son can have, and I am very proud to have you as my dad.  Happy 51st birthday.

error: Sorry.

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