Lucky March

The book March

First post of the month.  After a less exciting January, and also a troublesome February, March surprisingly started off well.  Number 3 has always been lucky for me, and I guess the third month of the year is just that!

Even tough I did get sick before the month ended, but on a positive note… I won two things in a row.  Maybe lady luck is starting to smile on me.  Thank God.  It’s about time! 😛

What did I win? Uhh.. it’s really nothing huge, but it’s always nice to get something for free, regardless of what it is.

Okay.. Okay.. I’ll jump to the prizes I won…

Firstly, my car number came out in Toto 4D, and I am officially RM252 richer!!  This is all thanks to an odd nudge I got last Saturday.  Ahaaa.. 1st time is always the sweetest!!  I’m not a religious buyer of these number prediction stuff, but I do buy them occasionally.. and to strike the numbers I predicted feels… phenomenal!!  hahahah.. *GRIN*

Another reason for me to be jolly is coz I won RM10 worth of petrol from LG.  Didn’t expect that, and I know.. what’s RM10?? but ahh.. it’s free.. and it’s useful.. It can last me at least 2 days, right 😀

See… today is the third day of the third month in 2009, and I’m feeling pearky.  Hope more good days will come.  It’s been a while since I’ve felt.. uuhh.. FREEeeEEEeeeeeeeeeeEEEEeee!!! Weeeeeeee…..

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