
Twitter is fun when you have many followers, and when you follow a lot of people.  If you don’t get what twitter is all about, then take it this way: “Its like text-ing your friends, only you are text-ing in mass“.  Basicly one tweet = ‘n’ number of SMSes and you get to discuss a hell lot of things, make appointments and make new friends. Trending on the other hand is a vital part of Twitter where you get to discuss on a particular topic, or just follow iy based on the # tag.

If you follow me on my Twitter, you’d notice that the trend #MemoriSekolah is something I follow a lot, and I do myself.  If you don’t speak Malay, then Memori Sekolah translates to “School Time Memories”, and at this time, I can see that there are hundreds of people putting in their school memories with some ringing a great resemblance of my very own past experience.  In fact, one tweet said “Reading #memorisekolah shows that we are all the same regardless of religion, race on background“, and I just can’t help but agree with him.

Well, I guess, with hundreds of tweets on #memorisekolah out there, the following I feel are the ones many of us can relate with:

#memorisekolah mintak biodata tanya hobi, makanan kegemaran, pengalaman pahit manis. Haha!
#memorisekolahmain nama bapak. Super bonus points kalau dapat nama datuk sekali. Silap mood, gaduh.
#memorisekolah TAMIYA! lumba dalam longkang je. Neo burning sun – FWD tuh!
#memorisekolah before exams, plan how to copy each other.. Especially the ones on ur side, front and back! haha! classic!
#memorisekolah ‘hacking’ public phone to make calls back home or to call day scholar girls 😀
#memorisekolah Jaga pintu belakang kelas
#memorisekolah Bila lori milo sampai, baris panjang-panjang
#memorisekolah Main ‘zero-point’
#memorisekolah Bagi nickname kat guru disiplin

#memorisekolah Main “aku-nikahkan dikau dengan ….. Sah? Sah?” Kawan pun jawab “sah” Suk bila org yang ‘dinikahi’ cun cun diminati..
#memorisekolah Sembunyi kad hijau bila doktor gigi sampai.
#memorisekolah Ubah markah rendah jadi tinggi

The irony for me is that I am now a teacher, and I tend to look back at how much I enjoyed my primary/secondary school days.

Enough said, care to share you’re #memorisekolah?

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