Minex Jewellery’s Finder’s Keepers Dinner

It’s almost new year, and I’m still without a plan for new year’s eve. *SIGH*  Anyway, Ben organised a special dinner for us participants/bloggers which took part in his Minex Jewellery’s Finder’s Keepers treasure hunt.  The whole idea of the dinner came from those whom frequented Justin‘s blog, as many were saying they searched for the hidden diamonds through rain and shine, high and low, which eventually saw some jokingly saying Ben should sponsor some chicken soup for those whom got sick.  Well, Ben most certainly did that, and invited us over to the Sarawak Club yesterday for dinner. (Photo above: The view of Kuching’s Civic Centre from the Sarawak Club)

Sarawak Club.  I’ve been living in Sarawak for 25 years, and I’ve never stepped foot in this club.  It has ‘EXCLUSIVE‘ written all over it, and for someone originally from the out skirts of Kuching, its just too darn exclusive for a poor ass like mine, but Ben changed that when he invited us over for dinner. *SMILE*  Dress code was kind of formal, so I guess I was right with my assumption that this place is exclusive. (Photo above: Sarawak’s Club main lobby)

The dinner was at 7pm, but due to some technicalities, I arrived with Amiey (which looked stunning in her simple evening gown) at 6:40pm.  I guess we were the first to arrive, before noticing Jimmy and Irene‘s arrival around 6:50pm.  Camwhored as usual, and admired the decorations within the Sarawak club.  A few more bloggers arrived soon after, before Ben and Varena came. (Photo above: Irene (left) with Amiey)

Ben invited us in, and booked two tables for the dinner.  Got our drinks ordered, and we started going through the food as it arrived.  I have to say, the food was delicious, and I was kind of shocked to see that the drinks were actually quite affordable.  I don’t know about the price of the food because I didn’t see the menu, but Norman said it was cheap and affordable. (Photo above: Jimmy camwhoring with his DSLR)

Norman kept the main table going with his questions and explanations, while table two was kept alive by Micheal, whom I think was a little ‘hung over’ due to the liquor he drank. *LOL*  Being myself, I kept quite, and focused on the food…hahaha… After all, I was kind of out of words.  I wanted to talk to Ben and Varena, but I was worried my questions were too personal to ask (Never been the type which is busy body).  I also had this huge sense of respect for Ben and Varena, and that kind of adds up to the sense of being awkward. (Photo above (from left): Varena, Ben and Justin)

Nonetheless, the whole experience was amazing, and it’s always nice to get to know new people which come from different backgrounds. (Photo above: Nikki (I think) texting while waiting for the other’s).


So…I’d like to extend a huge thank you again to Ben a.k.a Benjamin Wung whom owns Minex Jewellery for the dinner, and also making it possible for me to set foot in the infamous Sarawak Club for the fisrt time.  He also made this Christmas fun, and different, and gave us bloggers so many goodies.  What did we do in return?  Uhh… I can say we did nothing much for Ben.And to Amiey.. “I did this post while you were pretending to be sleeping because I couldn’t sleep as the ‘butter prawns’ were still swimming in my tummy.”

And to Ben, I really think you should blog :D.  Seriously.

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