P1 Nostalgic Contest: I won an Apple iPod Shuffle

Remember the postings I made which featured some videos a few months back? No? Here’s the link.

Well, I didn’t win first prize, but somewhat clinched consolation and walked away with a Blue Apple iPod Shuffle(seen above).

The contest was indeed a challenge, and I am thankful to P1 for the prize, although it wasn’t exactly what I wanted. But anyway, the top prize winners deserved their prizes because they went all out, and I was trying my best to jumble everything with work, blogging and so many running in between.

Anyway, Nickholas from P1 passed me the iPod when I was in KL for the #Ohhsome Fest, and it was indeed delightful to meet him and also receive a freebie yet again from a contest.

Well, thanks to P1 for picking me as a consolation winner, and I look forward to more contest. Hopefully this time, I’ll get that new laptop or tablet I always wanted.

error: Sorry.

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