Song playing: Yellowcard – Shadow & Regrets
What should I say? After a week not writing anything in this blog, it feels strange to finally update an outdated blog. Owh well, I think I’ll just write what crosses my mind… although it might sound a little perverted, I guess…
First up, is the petrol price. RM2.70 per liter. That’s huge!! I expected an increase, but not as huge as 78 cents. What can I say?? *sighh* I know everyone is complaining.. so I don’t think I should add to that long list of complaints.
Then, there’s the EURO 2008. I figure I could make at least RM300 if I play my cards right. I always root for the under-privileged, so.. you know that when Portugal takes on Czech tonight, I’ll be hoping Ronaldo practically ‘breaks a leg’..hehehehehe….
Other that those two? Not sure whether I want to mention it.. but life is life… I want to clean up my room. My dad came over last weekend, and complained that my rooms looks like shit.. and my mum even sweept the whole house for me, citing that I should get my act together and start cleaning up.. *sigh*
“susah juga jadi orang bujang.. huhuhuh…. “