The Brotherhood Anual Dinner 2009

The Brotherhood Annual Dinner 2

This is kind of like an overdue post.  It happened like 6 days ago, and I finally get to put it up in my blog.  Urgghh, like they say, better late than never.

So, I WAS SUPPOSE to attend my staff dinner at some hotel in Kuching, but I finally decided not to go after I was asked to pay another extra RM10 to top up my RM50 which I have already paid.  I was made to understand that the dinner cost RM44 at the most, and the extra RM10 was for hampers.  Don’t want to speculate where the money all went to, but I decided not to go.  I don’t care if some people would call me stingy or selfish.  Can’t say much on this, but I didn’t want to go due to the extra cost incurred.  FULL STOP.

The Brotherhood Annual Dinner 3

Anyway, a few friends of mine were also reluctant to come to the official dinner and therefore, we decided to make our own annual dinner at a place known as Batu Lintang by many Kuchingites.  We ordered 5 dishes (or was it 6?), and 4 few bottles of TsingTao and one Teh C Peng Special for yours truly… and after dividing the cost among 5 of us, the total cost was RM12 per head.  Cheap?

The Brotherhood Annual Dinner 1

In my books, it was cheap… because I was reaaaallllyyy full.  No, I’m not exaggerating. We were all so full that we passed an offer to order more food when another colleague showed up to join us.  He even wanted to treat us to the new order, but we just couldn’t find any space in our tummies to accommodate anymore food.

The Brotherhood Annual Dinner 5

The night went on till 12 midnight, as we stayed up talking and sharing our personal experiences in life, and in work.  It was a hell of a night, and I think we all enjoyed ourselves to the max.

The Brotherhood Annual Dinner 4

In addition to that, this ‘annual dinner’ was also considered the last ‘official’ dinner of my dear colleague a.k.a friend David, whom will be transferred to SMK St Joe’s next year.  If you ask me, it is a huge loss, but like they say… “Berkhidmat untuk negara”…

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