The Teacher’s Dilemma

The fade image of a school

It is a typical day, with work never ending. Mum once said: “If you wait for your work to finish, it will never finish. You must know when to take a break.” and somehow, I agree so much with here ever since I landed myself into my day job.

Not that I really hate my day job, but sometimes, I do dislike what occurs around it. Some simple things which could be done much easier, are done in a very complicated manner, and it stresses everybody up, and leads to lack of productivity, and finally leads to demoralization. I’m not sure if anyone actually realizes this true fact, but I see it happening to me.  I’d really like it if my job only focuses on teaching, and does away with all these unnecessary paper work such as making statistics, calculating data and so on.

When I was a student, 9 years ago, our teachers bombarded us with tonnes of exams, trial exams, mock exams, exercise and so on prior to the real SPM.. and the final result? Well, so many scored lots of A’s and did pretty impressively. I think, back then, teachers were more focused on getting results from the students, and was less burdened with paper work.

Photography is something which is interesting

I have a lot to say on what’s going on in my day job nowadays, but I know that if I say it.. I’ll land myself in deep trouble with those higher than myself.. so, better shut my mouth. What I can say is that I feel it is just not right that some people whom want to climb the hierarchy of the system, but trouble others in the process. In addition to that, I feel that documentation plays such a huge role in todays Malaysian education system that some teachers have lost track of the real reason behind the real reason of the teaching profession, which is to educate, and not to fill up forms to impress the ‘bigger fish’. Owh well…  Don’t bother about what I just said. I’m just a crazy, lazy teacher anyway…

Nonetheless, I was wondering:
Which do you prefer as a parent/teacher/student?
A teacher which has a nice and complete documentation of what he/she is doing in class, but lacks the actual results?
A teacher which has a ‘cukup makan‘ type of documentation, but knows how to get the results?

Do bare in mind that by documentation, I do  mean all types of documentation, including the lesson plan,  statistical reviews, reports, etc.  Give me your thoughts, and please… Do not say both because if you want both, you are not asking for a human teacher, but rather a robot…

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