What Divides Malaysia?

This matter actually stepped into my mind a few days ago, but after thinking about it… I guess its okay to write about it.  Just hope no one would take my post here as racist or someone whom deserves to be kept in ISA or Abu Dhabi prison 😛

Anyway, I was wondering what divides us humans.  Some say it would be race.  Some would say it would be politics.  And others will claim heritage, background, geography and the list goes on.

I for once think the others do not really devide.. but religion devides us.  Whether your a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Hindu or any sort of religion…. it devides us from each other.

No doubt… religion gives us hope.  It gives up somthing to hold on to.  It gives up unity within our very own religion…. but when there are other religions around us, some of us (not all), start to stare and think that the others are not good.  Not worthy of a place in heaven.  For some, they feel the need to spread the good news of their very own religion, and save those whom they think have swayed away from the right teachings.  Others, try to pull others into their religion, saying bad things of another’s religion.  Either way, it causes disharmony and unhappiness.

In Malaysia, with Islam as the official religion, other religions are ‘free to be practiced’.  Why the under quote you may ask?? Well, I think Malaysians could answer that.  I’d prefer not say.  But to be frank… I’d like to see all religion gone.  Yea.. you read it right… I’d like to see Islam, Christianity, Buddhisim, Hinduism and other religions GONE.  GONE from the face of the earth, and reborn as ONE religion without any other so called ‘branches’.  It would unite us all.

Maybe some would claim that race or ethnicity is an issue in Malaysia.  But, I beg to differ.  Inter-ethnic marriages occur so rampantly that in Sabah you have those you call the Sino, and in Melaka, you have the Baba-Nyonya.  I haven’t even mentioned other mix marriages which combine two souls from different races in the Sarawak.  Maybe elsewhere, people would go “aaaahhh????”, but in Sarawak… it would be an “Owh….”  You get what I mean.

The only problem is religion.  I’ve seen Christian couples having a Catholic wife, and an Anglican husband, yet they claim they are married *scratch head*….Don’t know and don’t want to mention about other religions, but I can see what’s happening in my community.

How I wish there was only one religion in the world…. It would make the whole world a better place. *sigh*

and I know this might not sound appropriate to the post I just made, but I’d like to wish a Happy Deepavali to all my Indian readers.

error: Sorry.

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