How good is the nissan navara

Yearly review of Nissan Navara Malaysia [Year 7]

This is my yearly review of Nissan Navara Malaysia. This post was first published on 26th September 2017, a year after I used my Nissan Navara NP300.

However, since I always get the question “how good is the Nissan Navara?”, I decided to keep updating this post for as long as I own the truck, or until a new model of the truck is released.

I first got the my Nissan Navara NP300 on 26 of September 2016, and I drove it out of my dealer with almost no knowledge about trucks.  The only knowledge I obtained was when I wrote about the difference between the Toyota Hilux and the Nissan Navara NP300, and told you the reason why I finally choose the Navara above the Hilux.


Read on to know how good is the Nissan Navara NP300 is over the years I’ve owned one.



On 26th September 2017, my Nissan Navara hit it’s first year of use.

Owning the truck in the first year doesn’t bring much problems. It still smells new, and it is a pleasure to drive.

However, a few weeks after owning the truck, I noticed that the paint job wasn’t great.

How good is the nissan navara, Navara NP 300 Paint
Two dots on my Navara NP300 which were there from day one, and can’t be removed.

There was small minute lumps which to me should not appear. I also noticed the truck’s pain job was rather thin, noting that my former Proton Saga BLM had better paint.

I’ve done little modification to the truck except installing a Dashcam and putting on a canopy on the bucket.


During this first year, I’ve driven my truck from Kuching to Mukah, which is a journey more than 462KM by road.  The Navara served me well and was a pleasant ride on the bumpy under construction Pan Borneo Highway.

Navara NP300 alarm light defect
The defective Navara NP300 Alarm light.

However, upon reaching Mukah, the alarm light indicator of the Navara started blinking for no reason. It affected the alarm arming sound and was annoying. I was told this was a frequent issue with the Navara and the fix was to remove the negative battery line, leave it for 30 seconds, and reattach back the line.

Another issue I had with the truck was when making a 180 degree turn at a junction. There was a strong squeak. I made a complaint to Nissan which said it was the belting.  It went away after each session, but the problem always returned after a while.

Last but not least was the alignment of the truck. Maybe it was just my luck, but the alignment of the truck wasn’t accurate. I asked Nissan to rectify it three times during my first year owning the truck.

As for it’s maintenance cost, I spent RM490.42 for the first year service as you can see below.

The Nissan Navara service cost within the 1st year:

  • Insurance: RM2,659.47
  • Roadtax: RM228.90
  • Serviced on 28 October 2016 for 1,318KM @ RM205.80
  • Serviced on 18 November 2016 for 1,962KM @ RM0.00
  • Installed Canopy on 19 January 2017 @ RM4,980
  • Serviced on 26 January 2017 for 4,057KM @ RM203.00
  • Serviced on 27 April 2017 for 8,910KM @ RM287.42


On 26th September 2018, my Nissan Navara hit it’s second year.

So far, I must admit that I am satisfied with the truck as it has performed its duties well without much problems.

However, the truck isn’t without it’s shortcomings.

For starters, the paint job of the truck is noticeably poor or thin. The car body scratches easily and this was concurred by a friend who bought the truck at the same time I did.

How good is the nissan navara

Fuel consumption seemed to deteriorate. I am not sure if its the way I drive, but I am now clocking 8.7KM per liter on Diesel.

Maintenance for the Navara has also gone up as well but it’s largely due to replacement of parts.  I changed my battery in June 2018 after the Nissan service center advised me to do so.  It wasn’t the smartest move to be honest as I paid close to RM477 for the battery.  I was made to understand I could get the battery cheaper outside.

The front tires of the Nissan Navara is also showing signs of wearing out. I reckon I need to change it next year.  I don’t do off road driving and use my truck in the city on a daily basis.

Despite the shortcomings, the alignment issue has finally been resolved, although I still get that screeching sound when I make a 180 degree turn.

The Nissan Navara service cost during this 2nd year:

  • Insurance: RM1013.60
  • Roadtax + runner: RM248.90
  • Serviced on 30 October 2017 for 15,625KM @ RM287.42
  • Serviced on 23 May 2018 for 21,707KM @ RM926.14 (Battery change cost RM477)


On 26th September 2019, my Nissan Navara hit it’s third year of use.

The Nissan Navara service cost during this 3rd year:

  • Insurance: RM991.30, Sum insured is RM80,000
  • Roadtax & runner: RM248.90
  • Serviced on 28 Nov 2018 for 27,973KM @ RM426.30
  • Scheduled servicing on 28 May 2019 for 37,973KM but I declined as my Odometer only hit 33,000KM.

I was forewarned that my next 37,973KM service will be a costly one. It is said to cost almost or over RM1,000.  I declined to service it according to the schedule since the car runs out of warranty after the 3rd year, and I had not used the car as much in recent months.  This was due to the fact my mom borrowed her car and I used her Viva more than my Navara. I should be servicing it as the car exceeds its fourth year (Likely in June).

The tires of the truck also are slowly nearing its limit, so I may need to change the tires as my Navara enters its fifth year of service.  Fuel consumption is recorded at 9.7L for every 100KM.

I hate the paint job of the Navara. It’s so thin, it scratches easy. I’ve got a few visible marks on my truck now. Despite that, another two of my colleagues bought the Nissan Navara after looking at mine.



On 26th September 2020, my Nissan Navara hit it’s fourth year of use. So far there’s not much problem with the truck, but the stickers on the body are starting to peel off which makes it rather ugly.

For some odd reason, I feel the truck alignment isn’t great as well, and the battery needed to be replaced.

Two tires were also replaced and I got them cheap after buying brand new second hand tires from a Navara owner which had his rim changed.

Overall, the Nissan Navara service cost during this 4th year:

  • Two new tires @ RM600
  • The wiper was changed this same year at RM69.  Since the truck’s alignment wasn’t good, I had it done as well for RM58.
  • Insurance: RM1,230.29(I only realized I was over charged after I agreed to proceed with the insurance)
  • Roadtax & runner: RM248.90
  • Serviced on 24 Jul 2020 for 39,555KM @ RM1414.00

This is also the year where my truck was used for some minimal off roads. Nothing too dangerous really. It was just used to go on muddy ground which required me to use the 4WD setting.

The truck next service is January 2021, but I’ll likely skip that date as I am unlikely to hit the mileage.


On 26th September 2021, my Nissan Navara hit it’s fifth year of use.

This is my expenditure for the truck during the 5th year:

  • Battery had to be replaced on 24th October 2020 @ RM375.00
  • In November 2020, my expensive multimedia player screen turned silver-ish. Checks with Nissan confirmed it was damaged and out of warranty. I’ve swapped it with the original basic player. I also took the opportunity to realign the tires again because the previous mechanic didn’t do a good job.  Both services cost me RM53.
  • In March 2021, the ‘water in oil filter’ symbol (photo above) started to blink intermittently. It happens every time after I hit above 100km/h.  Due to the MCO, I had not sent my truck for servicing despite the service centre setting the date for service in January 2021.  However, the blinking ‘water in oil filter’ was a cause of concern, and so I sent it for service that same month. Upon checking, the Nissan technicians noted that the light went off because the oil filter is blocked and dirty and changing the filter made the problem go away.
  • In September 2021, declared the car as RM55,000 and insurance + road tax + runner fee was RM927.10. Roadtax was RM228.90 and runner fee was RM10.

This is also the year where my truck was used for some minimal off roads. Nothing too dangerous really. It was just used to go on muddy ground which required me to use the 4WD setting. Can see it also helping tow a 5 tonne lorry below.


On 26th September 2022, my Nissan Navara will hit it’s sixth year of use. Since there was a pandemic and restrictions of movement, my truck stayed mostly at home.  Here’s what happened during its sixth year.

My expenditure during the 6th year below:

  • Road tax and comprehensive insurance cost me RM972.10: RM228.90 (Road tax) + RM733.20 (Insurance) + RM10 (Runner Fee).  There was another fee I was charged but I forgot how much and what it was about.
  • In December 2021, I noticed there was a sharp shriek when I made a full turn.  This happens almost all the time I move out of the parking spot (where I need to steer to the left or right in full – 90 degrees to get out of the parking).  I went to Nissan to get it checked during service and they only cleaned the belting. Problem still persist and I will send it for another check soon. Sent it to Nissan on 21 Jan 2022 and the problem was solved. Nissan said the belting was loose and some part of the steering needed greese. The service was free.
  • Car hit 56,000km and the service at Nissan on 7 Jan 2022 cost me RM622.50.
  • On 5 Feb 2022, the AC (Air-conditioner) malfunction, blowing hot air mid use while I was driving. I checked with three shops, one being Nissan themselves, and it was confirmed the magnetic pulley was damaged and worn out. Nissan charged RM4,400 for repairs. I sent it outside and got it fixed for RM1,000.


On 26th September 2023, my Nissan Navara will hit it’s 7th year of use. I’m starting to slow down on my review of Nissan Navara Malaysia, as there’s a new model out now.

Anyway, here’s what happened to the truck for this year.

  • Road tax and insurance cost me RM913.86: RM228.90 (Road tax) + RM657.10 (insurance) + RM30.86 (insurance top-up).  I forgot to renew my road tax on time, so had to top-up my insurance to get a years worth of coverage.
  • In December, the truck was involved in an accident. No major damage, but my truck bumper was totalled. I’m likely to pay more insurance next year as I claimed my insurance for repairs. I decided not to write about it then, but remember I had to pay an extra RM416.30 for repairs (original and OEM parts).  When I received the car, it looked nice on the inside, but there’s an annoying small tin like noise coming from I don’t know where. There’s also components which were not screwed in properly, to which I fixed myself.  Aside from that, my left fog lamp wasn’t changed as they said they could only repair the right side as the accident involved the right side. You can read about it here.
  • On 09 April 2023, the car failed to start when I was about to leave my kampung house. The system noted “KEY SYSTEM ERROR”, but my brother in-law and I figured it might be the battery which had not been changed since November 2020.  Gave the 4WD a jumpstart, and it started with 4WD error. Drove back to Kuching, and had the battery replaced the next day for RM420 after it was confirmed it only had 1% charge left. Truck works as it should and all warning lights are gone.



Driving around in a 4×4 pick-up truck is different than driving a sedan or a small car. While the ride is bumpier than a sedan car, I can’t deny the fact that people seem to respect you more on the road, giving way when there’s a need to squeeze for space.

Anyway, in terms of the engine, the 2.5cc turbo charged engine works well delivering power when needed, and the annoying rev from the engine I mentioned in my Navara NP300 review is something I got used to.

Of course the perks of driving a 4×4 meant that road conditions were a thing of a past as I could easily navigate any type of road without much issue.

Navara NP300 cargo
There’s so many loads able to be carried with the Navara NP300

On top of that, I don’t have to worry carrying loads nowadays, easily having a huge big bucket at the back to fill with any ‘junk’ I need to bring with the latest being some 50 cement blocks.


My review of Nissan Navara Malaysiais not only about the positives, but also problems with the Navara NP300.  Before you read on, please bear in mind that no car is similar, so I may have these issues, but another Navara NP300 may not.

As I mentioned in the my first year review, the alarm light indicator of the Nissan Navara NP300 can start blinking for no reason.  This is not the alarm, but the alarm light. For some odd reason, it can start blinking, resulting in the alarm indicator lighting up, and the ‘lock’ and ‘unlock’ sound being weird.

Navara NP300 alarm light defect
The defective Navara NP300 Alarm light.

I explained the fix above in my first year review, so scroll up to read it.

Another issue which annoys me is the availability of a squeaking sound when I do a sharp turn.  Based on what I read online, this has something to do with the belting of the truck, but I will let the mechanics look into it when I send my Navara NP300 for its 20,000 check-up.

The basic audio system of the Navara NP300 was actually adequate, so when I upgraded mine to the Nissan (Tan Chong Motors) GPS enabled, 5-inch multimedia system for quite a sum, I was basically wasting money.  This is one of my largest regrets about the truck I bought because for the same amount I spent on the multimedia system, I could have got a better multimedia system from outside, though I was told it would void the truck warranty.

As explained in the first year, the Nissan Navara NP300 does seems to have a rather poor paint job.  In my second year review, I’ve mentioned how my truck has many fine line scratches. They are not major, but uh, they can be seen if you check the body thoroughly.

Another massive problem with the truck is the short-lived magnetic pulley which gives power to the aircond.  In the sixth year, mine got busted and I had to fork out RM1,000 to get it repaired.


Compared to my previous car, the Saga BLM, the Navara NP300 seems to save fuel.

I drive in the city most of the time, and the truck does go out almost every day, covering almost the whole of Kuching City and sometimes the outskirts, with the aircond on.

Navara NP300 range
The fuel range is shown by the dashboard. //Photo credit: Wahi

For all the trouble, including being trapped in countless traffic jams, I spend about RM240 a month on Diesel, which is approximately 160L of Diesel in a month, pretty decent for a truck of 2.5cc.

The on-board fuel indicator estimates my truck consumes 12.5L for every 100km, which is not exactly economical if compared to a normal car, but yeah, good enough for a 4×4. To be honest, I’ve never actually hit the 12.5L/100KM mark.

My Navara has been recording 9.6 – 9.8 L / 100KM since I bought it. I usually drive in town, so I guess that’s expected.

In 2021, my truck has been recording 11.9 / 100KM, but I do stay in the car while waiting to pick up my daughter on a daily basis, so I guess this figure is inaccurate.


To conclude my review of Nissan Navara Malaysia, I must admit that my Nissan Navara NP300 so far has been pretty good.

There’s little to complaint about so far and the 4WD does what it should.

Of course it could be better, but not every car is perfect. After a year, I am satisfied with the truck, and I do hope it will last for longer times.

That said, I would still recommend the Nissan Navara NP300 as I think it still performs well after the two years I’d had it.

By the way, if you happen to be in Kuching, and you want to test drive a Nissan Navara or any Nissan car for that matter, the car seller who sold me this Nissan Navara of mine comes highly recommended. He helped explain every detail of the car purchase and loan and the best part is that he wasn’t pushy about it.

If you want his number, DM me on Facebook to get it.


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