Computers & Accessories

Computers is one of the categories under the reviews category in, a blog owned, and updated by Cyril Dason since 2008.

This category is specifically about reviews of computers and anything similar to it, which had been experienced by Cyril Dason, the blog owner.

Under this category, reviews on computers such as dektops, tablets and laptops are shared to the blog readers so to keep them updated on experiences that had been gained through experience of the said devices.

Cyril Dason is a content creator and educator based in Kuching, Sarawak with over 15 years in content creation experience.  His followers come from around the world but are largely concentrated to Malaysia, with most of them residing in both Sabah and Sarawak.  Other than, he owns several niche blogs such as (Football) and (Travel). He is also well established on InstagramTwitter and Youtube.

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